Split Bushing Specimen Holders Model 555

.505, .437, .357, .252


Our Model 555, Split Bushing Specimen Holding System is particularly applicable for those organizations that are testing a wide range of sample sizes and can satisfy their needs by using bushings for different specimen sizes. As in the 550 EZ Alignment Holders, the 555 Series will maintain alignment throughout your test because the bushing seat conforms within + or -0.005 of the radius of your specimen. We make the seat in each bushing to your specific sample's dimensions. Each segment of the 555 assembly is heat treated to allow for maximum durability and precision. The bushings are hardened to 59-61 Rc and should provide years of precision use in normal applications. Griffin also furnishes alignment and adapting tooling to match your testing machine or we will manufacture 555 adapters to your tension rods. Crosshead locator blocks, tension rods, and other special assemblies are available for standard applications or for special designs.


  (D) (A) (B) (C) (E&F)
555 -1 .505 4.75 x 2.625 d 2.875 x 3 d 2.625 x 3.625 TCS
555 -2 .437 4.75 x 2.625 d 2.875 x 3 d 2.625 x 3.625 TCS
555 -3 .375 4.75 x 2.625 d 2.875 x 3 d 2.625 x 3.625 TCS
555 -4 .252 4.75 x 2.625 d 2.875 x 3 d 2.625 x 3.625 TCS


NOTE: Griffin also supplies variations on the 555 series for special applications.

555 Split Bushing