EZ Alignment Models
Specimen Holders
.505, .437, .357, .252, .160, .113


Griffin's EZ Alignment Holders are the easiest to load, best aligning holders that we know of anywhere. These holders will maintain alignment throughout your test because the seat in the holder conforms precisely, within + or -0.005 of the radius of your specimen. We make each holder seat to your specific sample's dimensions. Specimens will not slip out of alignment or bend during a test. These holders are hardened to 59-61 Rc and have drawn praise from many users throughout the world. Griffin also furnishes the alignment tooling to match your testing machine, or will manufacture the EZ Holders to match your existing tooling. Everything from tension rods to crosshead locator blocks are available for standard applications or for special designs.

Specimen Holders
MODEL SPECIMEN (D) (A) (B) (C) (E) (F)
550 -1 .505 3.25 4.00 TCS TCS TCS
550 -2 .437 2.75 3.50 TCS TCS TCS
550 -3 .357 2.50 3.25 TCS TCS TCS
550 -4 .252 2.00 2.75 TCS TCS TCS
550 -5 .160 1.75 2.50 TCS TCS TCS
550 -6 .113 1.50 2.25 TCS TCS TCS


NOTE: Griffin also supplies larger 550 holders for special applications.