Grip Refurbishing

Griffin refurbishes all flat and vee grips at 60% of Griffin’s current list price for new grips.

All refurbished grips are inspected at our plant to determine if they are structurally suitable to refurbish.  We anneal all grips sent in for refurbishing, resurface the gripping area, grind and polish all sides, heat treat the grips to 59-61 Rc and block oxide the grips before shipping.

The following illustrates the cost savings when grips are resurfaced:

MTS 647.10 FLATS -1.75  $1,050.00/SET OF 4    $630.00/SET OF 4   $               420.00
MTS 647.10 FLATS -3.00  $2,550.00/SET OF 4 $1,530.00/SET OF 4  $            1,020.00
MTS 647.25 FLATS -2.00 $1,650.00/SET OF 4 $990.00/SET OF 4  $               660.00
MTS 647.25 FLATS -4.00 $3,400.00/SET OF 4 $2,040.00/SET OF 4  $            1,360.00
TINIUS OLSEN 60,000 FLATS  $1,750.00/SET OF 4 $1,050.00/SET OF 4  $               700.00
TINIUS OLSEN 120,000 FLATS  $1,850.00/SET OF 4 $1,100.00/SET OF 4  $               750.00
TINIUS OLSEN 400,000 FLATS  $3,400.00/SET OF 4 $2,040.00/SET OF 4  $            1,360.00
SATEC/INSTRON 60,000 VEES $1,850.00/SET OF 4 $1,100.00/SET OF 4  $               750.00
SATEC/INSTRON 300,000 VEES $2,950.00/SET OF 4 $1,770.00/SET OF 4  $            1,180.00
INSTRON 20,000 1" FLATS $1,650.00/SET OF 4 $990.00/SET OF 4  $               660.00
RIEHLE 60,000 VEES  $1,850.00/SET OF 4 $1,100.00/SET OF 4  $               750.00
RIEHLE 300,000 VEES  $2,950.00/SET OF 4 $1,770.00/SET OF 4  $            1,180.00